Round 1: Completed Round 2: Completed Round 3: Completed #fragrance
ID Participant Status top5_tss(adjusted) top2_tss(adjusted) ▲ C D E F G Message Submission
108157 alarih graded 0.000 0.000 0.046 0.711 0.678 0.711 0.678 Successfully Graded ! More details about this submission can be found at : http://gitlab.aicrowd.com/plemian/learning_to_smell/issues/6
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110619 marc_laugharn graded 0.000 0.000 0.706 0.185 0.152 0.145 0.120 Successfully Graded ! More details about this submission can be found at : http://gitlab.aicrowd.com/marc_laugharn/learning-to-smell-starter-kit/issues/6
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107415 alarih graded 0.000 0.000 0.046 0.711 0.678 0.711 0.678 Successfully Graded ! More details about this submission can be found at : http://gitlab.aicrowd.com/plemian/learning_to_smell/issues/1
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109125 ugenc graded 0.000 0.000 0.119 0.588 0.571 0.583 0.567 Successfully Graded ! More details about this submission can be found at : http://gitlab.aicrowd.com/ugenc/learning-to-smell-starter-kit/issues/5
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107820 sunhwan_jo graded 0.000 0.000 0.037 0.887 0.811 0.887 0.811 Successfully Graded ! More details about this submission can be found at : http://gitlab.aicrowd.com/sunhwan_jo/learning-to-smell-starter-kit/issues/24
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107676 sunhwan_jo graded 0.000 0.000 0.037 0.887 0.811 0.887 0.811 Successfully Graded ! More details about this submission can be found at : http://gitlab.aicrowd.com/sunhwan_jo/learning-to-smell-starter-kit/issues/21
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107599 Sleeper graded 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.874 0.874 0.874 0.874 Successfully Graded ! More details about this submission can be found at : http://gitlab.aicrowd.com/Sleeper/learning-to-smell-starter-kit/issues/7
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108639 handetk graded 0.000 0.000 0.119 0.326 0.301 0.324 0.300 Successfully Graded ! More details about this submission can be found at : http://gitlab.aicrowd.com/handetk/learning-to-smell-starter-kit/issues/34
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111777 boussif_oussama graded 0.000 0.000 0.688 0.123 0.062 0.086 0.039 Successfully Graded ! More details about this submission can be found at : http://gitlab.aicrowd.com/boussif_oussama/learning-smell-starter-kit/issues/14
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108754 handetk graded 0.000 0.000 0.037 0.408 0.383 0.408 0.383 Successfully Graded ! More details about this submission can be found at : http://gitlab.aicrowd.com/handetk/learning-to-smell-starter-kit/issues/37
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