

Solution for submission 130090

A detailed solution for submission 130090 submitted for challenge IIT-M RL-ASSIGNMENT-2-GRIDWORLD


What is the notebook about?

Problem - Gridworld Environment Algorithms

This problem deals with a grid world and stochastic actions. The tasks you have to do are:

  • Implement Policy Iteration
  • Implement Value Iteration
  • Implement TD lamdda
  • Visualize the results
  • Explain the results

How to use this notebook? 📝

  • This is a shared template and any edits you make here will not be saved.You should make a copy in your own drive. Click the "File" menu (top-left), then "Save a Copy in Drive". You will be working in your copy however you like.

  • Update the config parameters. You can define the common variables here

Variable Description
AICROWD_DATASET_PATH Path to the file containing test data. This should be an absolute path.
AICROWD_RESULTS_DIR Path to write the output to.
AICROWD_ASSETS_DIR In case your notebook needs additional files (like model weights, etc.,), you can add them to a directory and specify the path to the directory here (please specify relative path). The contents of this directory will be sent to AIcrowd for evaluation.
AICROWD_API_KEY In order to submit your code to AIcrowd, you need to provide your account's API key. This key is available at https://www.aicrowd.com/participants/me

Setup AIcrowd Utilities 🛠

We use this to bundle the files for submission and create a submission on AIcrowd. Do not edit this block.

In [1]:
!pip install aicrowd-cli > /dev/null
ERROR: google-colab 1.0.0 has requirement requests~=2.23.0, but you'll have requests 2.25.1 which is incompatible.
ERROR: datascience 0.10.6 has requirement folium==0.2.1, but you'll have folium 0.8.3 which is incompatible.

AIcrowd Runtime Configuration 🧷

Get login API key from https://www.aicrowd.com/participants/me

In [18]:
import os

AICROWD_DATASET_PATH = os.getenv("DATASET_PATH", os.getcwd()+"/5ed97a57-bc19-4f62-ae9e-f071d8b73317_a2_gridworld_inputs.zip")
AICROWD_RESULTS_DIR = os.getenv("OUTPUTS_DIR", "results")
In [19]:

API Key valid
Saved API Key successfully!
5ed97a57-bc19-4f62-ae9e-f071d8b73317_a2_gridworld_inputs.zip: 100% 14.1k/14.1k [00:00<00:00, 1.10MB/s]
In [20]:
In [21]:
DATASET_DIR = 'inputs/'

GridWorld Environment

Read the code for the environment thoroughly

Do not edit the code for the environment

In [6]:
import numpy as np

class GridEnv_HW2:
    def __init__(self, 

        # Do not edit this section 
        self.action_stochasticity = action_stochasticity
        self.non_terminal_reward = non_terminal_reward
        self.terminal_reward = terminal_reward
        self.grid_size = [10, 10]

        # Index of the actions 
        self.actions = {'N': (1, 0), 
                        'E': (0,1),
                        'S': (-1,0), 
                        'W': (0,-1)}
        self.perpendicular_order = ['N', 'E', 'S', 'W']
        l = ['normal' for _ in range(self.grid_size[0]) ]
        self.grid = np.array([l for _ in range(self.grid_size[1]) ], dtype=object)

        self.grid[goal_location[0], goal_location[1]] = 'goal'
        self.goal_location = goal_location

        for gi in grey_in:
            self.grid[gi[0],gi[1]] = 'grey_in'
        for bi in brown_in:    
            self.grid[bi[0], bi[1]] = 'brown_in'

        for go in grey_out:    
            self.grid[go[0], go[1]] = 'grey_out'
        for bo in brown_out:    
            self.grid[bo[0], bo[1]] = 'brown_out'

        self.grey_outs = grey_out
        self.brown_outs = brown_out

    def _out_of_grid(self, state):
        if state[0] < 0 or state[1] < 0:
            return True
        elif state[0] > self.grid_size[0] - 1:
            return True
        elif state[1] > self.grid_size[1] - 1:
            return True
            return False

    def _grid_state(self, state):
        return self.grid[state[0], state[1]]        
    def get_transition_probabilites_and_reward(self, state, action):
        Returns the probabiltity of all possible transitions for the given action in the form:
        A list of tuples of (next_state, probability, reward)
        Note that based on number of state and action there can be many different next states
        Unless the state is All the probabilities of next states should add up to 1

        grid_state = self._grid_state(state)
        if grid_state == 'goal':
            return [(self.goal_location, 1.0, 0.0)]
        elif grid_state == 'grey_in':
            npr = []
            for go in self.grey_outs:
                npr.append((go, 1/len(self.grey_outs), 
            return npr
        elif grid_state == 'brown_in':
            npr = []
            for bo in self.brown_outs:
                npr.append((bo, 1/len(self.brown_outs), 
            return npr
        direction = self.actions.get(action, None)
        if direction is None:
            raise ValueError("Invalid action %s , please select among" % action, list(self.actions.keys()))

        dir_index = self.perpendicular_order.index(action)
        wrap_acts = self.perpendicular_order[dir_index:] + self.perpendicular_order[:dir_index]
        next_state_probs = {}
        for prob, a in zip(self.action_stochasticity, wrap_acts):
            d = self.actions[a]
            next_state = (state[0] + d[0]), (state[1] + d[1])
            if self._out_of_grid(next_state):
                next_state = state
            next_state_probs.setdefault(next_state, 0.0)
            next_state_probs[next_state] += prob

        npr = []
        for ns, prob in next_state_probs.items():
            next_grid_state = self._grid_state(ns)
            reward = self.terminal_reward if next_grid_state == 'goal' else self.non_terminal_reward
            npr.append((ns, prob, reward))

        return npr

    def step(self, state, action):
        npr = self.get_transition_probabilites_and_reward(state, action)
        probs = [t[1] for t in npr]
        sampled_idx = np.random.choice(range(len(npr)), p=probs)
        sampled_npr = npr[sampled_idx]
        next_state = sampled_npr[0]
        reward = sampled_npr[2]
        is_terminal = next_state == tuple(self.goal_location)
        return next_state, reward, is_terminal

Example environment

This has the same setup as the pdf, do not edit the settings

In [7]:
def get_base_kwargs():
    goal_location = (9,9)
    action_stochasticity = [0.8, 0.2/3, 0.2/3, 0.2/3]
    grey_out = [(3,2), (4,2), (5,2), (6,2)]
    brown_in = [(9,7)]
    grey_in = [(0,0)]
    brown_out = [(1,7)]
    non_terminal_reward = 0
    terminal_reward = 10

    base_kwargs =  {"goal_location": goal_location, 
            "action_stochasticity": action_stochasticity,
            "brown_in": brown_in, 
            "grey_in": grey_in, 
            "brown_out": brown_out,
            "non_terminal_reward": non_terminal_reward,
            "terminal_reward": terminal_reward,
            "grey_out": grey_out,}
    return base_kwargs

base_kwargs = get_base_kwargs()

Task 1 - Value Iteration

Run value iteration on the environment and generate the policy and expected reward

In [8]:
def value_iteration(env, gamma):
    # Initial Values
    values = np.zeros((10, 10))

    # Initial policy
    policy = np.empty((10, 10), object)
    policy[:] = 'N' # Make all the policy values as 'N'

    # Begin code here
    next_values = values.copy()
    while True:
        for r in range(10):
            for c in range(10):
                state = (r,c)
                action_expected_values = []
                for action in env.perpendicular_order:
                    npr = env.get_transition_probabilites_and_reward(state, action)
                    ev = 0
                    for ns, p, rew in npr:
                        ev += p * (gamma * values[ns[0], ns[1]] + rew)
                next_values[r, c] = max(action_expected_values)
                action_index = np.argmax(action_expected_values)
                policy[r, c] = env.perpendicular_order[action_index]
        delta = np.max(np.abs(next_values - values))
        values  = next_values.copy()
        if delta < 1e-8:
    # Put your extra information needed for plots etc in this dictionary
    extra_info = {}

    # End code

    # Do not change the number of output values
    return {"Values": values, "Policy": policy}, extra_info
In [9]:
env = GridEnv_HW2(**base_kwargs)
res, extra_info = value_iteration(env, 0.7)

 # The rounding off is just for making print statement cleaner
print(np.flipud(np.round(res['Values'], decimals=2)))
[[0.1  0.15 0.24 0.37 0.56 0.86 1.29 0.12 8.68 0.  ]
 [0.13 0.2  0.31 0.5  0.81 1.31 2.12 3.43 5.75 8.95]
 [0.1  0.16 0.25 0.39 0.62 0.97 1.52 2.38 3.7  5.61]
 [0.07 0.11 0.17 0.26 0.41 0.64 0.99 1.54 2.38 3.52]
 [0.05 0.07 0.11 0.17 0.27 0.41 0.64 0.99 1.53 2.21]
 [0.03 0.05 0.07 0.11 0.17 0.27 0.41 0.64 0.98 1.39]
 [0.02 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.11 0.17 0.27 0.41 0.63 0.87]
 [0.03 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.11 0.17 0.27 0.4  0.55]
 [0.04 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.11 0.17 0.26 0.35]
 [0.07 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.11 0.17 0.22]]
[['E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'S' 'S' 'N' 'E' 'N']
 ['E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'N']
 ['E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'N' 'N']
 ['E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'N' 'N']
 ['N' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'N' 'N' 'N']
 ['N' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'N' 'N' 'N' 'N']
 ['N' 'N' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'N' 'N' 'N' 'N' 'N']
 ['S' 'N' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'N' 'N' 'N' 'N' 'N']
 ['S' 'S' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'N' 'N' 'N' 'N']
 ['N' 'W' 'W' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'N' 'N' 'N']]

Task 2 - Policy Iteration

Run policy iteration on the environment and generate the policy and expected reward

In [10]:
def policy_iteration(env, gamma):
    # Initial Values
    values = np.zeros((10, 10))

    # Initial policy
    policy = np.empty((10, 10), object)
    policy[:] = 'N' # Make all the policy values as 'N'

    # Begin code here
    while True:
        while True:
            next_values = values.copy()
            for r in range(10):
                for c in range(10):
                    state = (r,c)
                    action = policy[r, c]
                    npr = env.get_transition_probabilites_and_reward(state, action)
                    ev = 0
                    for ns, p, rew in npr:
                        ev += p * (gamma * values[ns[0], ns[1]] + rew)
                    next_values[r, c] = ev
            delta = np.max(np.abs(next_values - values))
            values  = next_values.copy()
            if delta < 1e-8:

        next_policy = policy.copy()
        for r in range(10):
            for c in range(10):
                state = (r,c)
                action_values = []
                for action in env.perpendicular_order:
                    npr = env.get_transition_probabilites_and_reward(state, action)
                    nv = 0
                    for ns, p, rew in npr:
                        nv += p * (gamma * values[ns[0], ns[1]] + rew)
                action_index = np.argmax(action_values)
                next_policy[r, c] = env.perpendicular_order[action_index]
        if np.all(next_policy == policy):
        policy = next_policy.copy()   
    # Put your extra information needed for plots etc in this dictionary
    extra_info = {}

    # End code

    # Do not change the number of output values
    return {"Values": values, "Policy": policy}, extra_info
In [11]:
env = GridEnv_HW2(**base_kwargs)
res, extra_info = policy_iteration(env, 0.7)

 # The rounding off is just for making print statement cleaner
print(np.flipud(np.round(res['Values'], decimals=2)))
[[0.1  0.15 0.24 0.37 0.56 0.86 1.29 0.12 8.68 0.  ]
 [0.13 0.2  0.31 0.5  0.81 1.31 2.12 3.43 5.75 8.95]
 [0.1  0.16 0.25 0.39 0.62 0.97 1.52 2.38 3.7  5.61]
 [0.07 0.11 0.17 0.26 0.41 0.64 0.99 1.54 2.38 3.52]
 [0.05 0.07 0.11 0.17 0.27 0.41 0.64 0.99 1.53 2.21]
 [0.03 0.05 0.07 0.11 0.17 0.27 0.41 0.64 0.98 1.39]
 [0.02 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.11 0.17 0.27 0.41 0.63 0.87]
 [0.03 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.11 0.17 0.27 0.4  0.55]
 [0.04 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.11 0.17 0.26 0.35]
 [0.07 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.11 0.17 0.22]]
[['E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'S' 'S' 'N' 'E' 'N']
 ['E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'N']
 ['E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'N' 'N']
 ['E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'N' 'N']
 ['N' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'N' 'N' 'N']
 ['N' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'N' 'N' 'N' 'N']
 ['N' 'N' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'N' 'N' 'N' 'N' 'N']
 ['S' 'N' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'N' 'N' 'N' 'N' 'N']
 ['S' 'S' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'N' 'N' 'N' 'N']
 ['N' 'W' 'W' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'N' 'N' 'N']]

Task 3 - TD Lambda

Use the heuristic policy and implement TD lambda to find values on the gridworld

In [12]:
# The policy mentioned in the pdf to be used for TD lambda, do not modify this
def heuristic_policy(env, state):
    goal = env.goal_location
    dx = goal[0] - state[0]
    dy = goal[1] - state[1]
    if abs(dx) >= abs(dy):
        direction = (np.sign(dx), 0)
        direction = (0, np.sign(dy))
    for action, dir_val in env.actions.items():
        if dir_val == direction:
            target_action = action
    return target_action
In [13]:
def td_lambda(env, lamda, seeds):
    alpha = 0.5
    gamma = 0.7
    N = len(seeds)
    # Usage of input_policy
    # heuristic_policy(env, state) -> action
    example_action = heuristic_policy(env, (1,2)) # Returns 'N' if goal is (9,9)

    # Example of env.step
    # env.step(state, action) -> Returns next_state, reward, is_terminal

    # Initial values
    values = np.zeros((10, 10))
    es = np.zeros((10,10))

    for episode_idx in range(N):
         # Do not change this else the results will not match due to environment stochas
        loc = np.where(env.grid == 'grey_in')
        state = loc[0][0], loc[1][0]
        done = False
        while not done:
            action = heuristic_policy(env, state)
            ns, rew, is_terminal = env.step(state, action) 
            # env.step is already taken inside the loop for you, don't use env.step in your code

            # Begin code here
            delta = rew + gamma * values[ns[0], ns[1]] - values[state[0], state[1]]
            es[state[0], state[1]] += 1
            for r in range(10):
                for c in range(10):
                    values[state[0], state[1]] += alpha * delta * es[state[0], state[1]]
                    es[state[0], state[1]] *= gamma * lamda
            state = ns
            if is_terminal:

    # Put your extra information needed for plots etc in this dictionary
    extra_info = {}

    # End code

    # Do not change the number of output values
    return {"Values": values}, extra_info
In [14]:
env = GridEnv_HW2(**base_kwargs)
res, extra_info = td_lambda(env, lamda=0.5, seeds=np.arange(1000))

 # The rounding off is just for making print statement cleaner
print(np.flipud(np.round(res['Values'], decimals=2)))
[[ 0.    0.    0.01  0.01  0.03  0.05  0.06  0.09 10.    0.  ]
 [ 0.    0.    0.03  0.06  0.63  1.01  1.54  4.9   7.   10.  ]
 [ 0.    0.08  0.17  0.37  0.46  0.23  2.26  3.42  4.25  4.75]
 [ 0.    0.02  0.14  0.17  0.34  0.46  1.15  1.97  2.62  3.05]
 [ 0.01  0.03  0.08  0.08  0.14  0.24  0.57  1.16  1.46  1.  ]
 [ 0.    0.02  0.05  0.08  0.08  0.21  0.22  0.52  0.91  0.53]
 [ 0.    0.01  0.03  0.04  0.05  0.07  0.14  0.42  0.48  0.  ]
 [ 0.    0.    0.02  0.01  0.03  0.07  0.1   0.18  0.16  0.05]
 [ 0.    0.    0.    0.    0.01  0.    0.05  0.13  0.18  0.  ]
 [ 0.15  0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0.04  0.04  0.  ]]

Task 4 - TD Lamdba for multiple values of $\lambda$

In [15]:
# This cell is only for your subjective evaluation results, display the results as asked in the pdf
# You can change it as you require, this code should run TD lamdba by default for different values of lambda

lamda_values = np.arange(0, 100+5, 5)/100
td_lamda_results = {}
extra_info = {}
for lamda in lamda_values:
    env = GridEnv_HW2(**base_kwargs)
    td_lamda_results[lamda], extra_info[lamda] = td_lambda(env, lamda,

Generate Results ✅

In [16]:
def get_results(kwargs):

    gridenv = GridEnv_HW2(**kwargs)

    policy_iteration_results = policy_iteration(gridenv, 0.7)[0]
    value_iteration_results = value_iteration(gridenv, 0.7)[0]
    td_lambda_results = td_lambda(env, 0.5, np.arange(1000))[0]

    final_results = {}
    final_results["policy_iteration"] = policy_iteration_results
    final_results["value_iteration"] = value_iteration_results
    final_results["td_lambda"] = td_lambda_results

    return final_results
In [22]:
# Do not edit this cell, generate results with it as is
if not os.path.exists(AICROWD_RESULTS_DIR):

for params_file in os.listdir(DATASET_DIR):
  kwargs = np.load(os.path.join(DATASET_DIR, params_file), allow_pickle=True).item()
  results = get_results(kwargs)
  idx = params_file.split('_')[-1][:-4]
  np.save(os.path.join(AICROWD_RESULTS_DIR, 'results_' + idx), results)
In [23]:
# Check your score on the given test cases (There are more private test cases not provided)
target_folder = 'targets'
result_folder = AICROWD_RESULTS_DIR

def check_algo_match(results, targets):
    if 'Policy' in results:
        policy_match = results['Policy'] == targets['Policy']
        policy_match = True
    # Reference https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.allclose.html
    rewards_match = np.allclose(results['Values'], targets['Values'], rtol=3)
    equal = rewards_match and policy_match
    return equal

def check_score(target_folder, result_folder):
    match = []
    for out_file in os.listdir(result_folder):
        res_file = os.path.join(result_folder, out_file)
        results = np.load(res_file, allow_pickle=True).item()
        idx = out_file.split('_')[-1][:-4]  # Extract the file number
        target_file = os.path.join(target_folder, f"targets_{idx}.npy")
        targets = np.load(target_file, allow_pickle=True).item()
        algo_match = []
        for k in targets:
            algo_results = results[k]
            algo_targets = targets[k]
            algo_match.append(check_algo_match(algo_results, algo_targets))
    return np.mean(match)

if os.path.exists(target_folder):
    print("Shared data Score (normalized to 1):", check_score(target_folder, result_folder))
Shared data Score (normalized to 1): 1.0
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/numpy/core/_asarray.py:136: VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray
  return array(a, dtype, copy=False, order=order, subok=True)

Submit to AIcrowd 🚀

In [ ]:
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WARNING: No assets directory at assets... Creating one...
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