Round 1: Completed #educational #blitz

AI Blitz XII saw 180 participants making 2200+ submissions. We thank you for your participation. 🎉 After 3 weeks of intense competition, here are the winners of AI Blitz ⚡️ XII.


Leaderboard Rank Winner Prize
Rank 1
Rank 2 mkeywood $100


Community Contribution Prize Winner  
Embedding Game: a simple algorithm (0.54+) by rejulien $100


Winner’s Solutions

🥇Leaderboard Winners

Leaderboard Rank 1  youssef_nader

  1. Programming Language Classification
  2. Speaker Identification
  3. Lingua Franca Classification
  4. Embedding Game
  5. NLP Feature Engineering #2


Leaderboard Rank 2 mkeywood

  1. Programming Language Classification
  2. Speaker Identification
  3. Lingua Franca Classification
  4. Embedding Game
  5. NLP Feature Engineering #2


📚Community Contribution Winner rejulien

@rejulien notebook on Embedding Game: a simple algorithm (0.54+)

What do you think about these solutions? Do you have a better approach? Head over to the discourse post to share your thoughts.