2019: Completed 2020: Completed 2021: Completed 2022: Completed 2023: Completed #classroom
ID Participant Status Score Secondary Score Message ▲ Submission
246526 mohamedcharfi failed 0.000 0.000

EmptyDataError: No columns to parse from file

245671 mohamedcharfi failed 0.000 0.000

EmptyDataError: No columns to parse from file

245109 Valdivieso failed 0.000 0.000

Exception: All expected ids were not present in the submission. Please cross check to ensure that the submitted file contains a row each for all the data points in the test set.

246038 petim0 failed 0.000 0.000

Exception: All expected ids were not present in the submission. Please cross check to ensure that the submitted file contains a row each for all the data points in the test set.

247279 lucas_nicolas_nkok failed 0.000 0.000

Exception: All expected ids were not present in the submission. Please cross check to ensure that the submitted file contains a row each for all the data points in the test set.

247330 lucas_nicolas_nkok failed 0.000 0.000

Exception: All expected ids were not present in the submission. Please cross check to ensure that the submitted file contains a row each for all the data points in the test set.

247300 gonzalez failed 0.000 0.000

Exception: All expected ids were not present in the submission. Please cross check to ensure that the submitted file contains a row each for all the data points in the test set.

247082 rishubh_singh failed 0.000 0.000

Exception: All expected ids were not present in the submission. Please cross check to ensure that the submitted file contains a row each for all the data points in the test set.

246033 moteloumka failed 0.000 0.000

Exception: All expected ids were not present in the submission. Please cross check to ensure that the submitted file contains a row each for all the data points in the test set.

244805 wph1 failed 0.000 0.000

Exception: All expected ids were not present in the submission. Please cross check to ensure that the submitted file contains a row each for all the data points in the test set.
