136820 | isa_k_dsmlkz | failed | 0.000 |
“ValueError: Found input variables with inconsistent numbers of samples: [6000, 2631]” |
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136813 | isa_k_dsmlkz | failed | 0.000 |
“ValueError: Found input variables with inconsistent numbers of samples: [6000, 2631]” |
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140130 | Nobel | failed | 22902.420 |
No more retries left |
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137186 | # | failed | 0.000 |
“ValueError: could not convert string to float: ‘[[-11, 10, -11, -19, -13, -15, -14, -14, -15, -18, -18], [8, -10, -14, -18, -15, -16, -8, -13, -11, -9, -16], [-9, -6, -8, -8, -7, -8, -4, 5, -10, -11, -14], [9, -9, -14, -19, -16, -15, -9, -13, -13, -12, -11], [-15, -15, -18, -25, -22, -21, -18, -18, -26, -21, 13], [-18, -18, -18, -25, -21, -20, -20, -19, -27, -22, 15], [-21, -19, -19, -25, -23, -21, -18, -20, -29, -22, 18], [-19, -18, -20, -24, -25, -22, -16, -20, -28, -21, 18], [-18, -18, -18, -23, -26, -21, -16, -19, -27, -21, 18], [-18, -18, -19, -24, -26, -22, -16, -19, -29, -21, 19], [-19, -19, -17, -22, -24, -21, -15, -17, -26, -22, 19], [-19, -19, -18, -21, -24, -21, -15, -17, -25, -21, 19], [-19, -20, -19, -21, -25, -21, -15, -18, -25, -21, 19], [-19, -20, -20, -23, -26, -21, -15, -18, -25, -22, 18], [-19, -20, -20, -25, -25, -21, -15, -19, -25, -22, 17], [-17, -19, -20, -27, -24, -23, -15, -21, -23, -23, 16], [-17, -19, -21, -27, -24, -24, -15, -21, -24, -23, 17], [-17, -20, -21, -28, -27, -24, -16, -22, -27, -23, 17], [-18, -20, -20, -28, -28, -25, -16, -21, -28, -22, 18], [-19, -21, -21, -28, -29, -25, -17, -21, -28, -21, 18], [-20, -23, -20, -27, -27, -25, -18, -22, -30, -21, 19], [-20, -22, -21, -25, -27, -26, -19, -22, -30, -21, 19], [-21, -22, -21, -25, -27, -26, -19, -22, -29, -21, 19], [-21, -21, -21, -25, -27, -26, -19, -22, -28, -21, 20], [-20, -22, -20, -24, -26, -25, -19, -21, -28, -20, 20], [-20, -22, -19, -22, -23, -25, -20, -20, -28, -19, 20], [-20, -22, -19, -22, -23, -25, -20, -20, -28, -19, 20], [-20, -22, -19, -21, -23, -24, -19, -20, -28, -19, 20], [-20, -22, -19, -21, -23, -24, -19, -20, -28, -19, 20], [-20, -22, -19, -21, -23, -24, -19, -20, -28, -19, 20], [-19, -21, -19, -21, -23, -24, -19, -19, -28, -18, 20], [-15, -18, -16, -18, -18, -19, -14, -16, -24, -15, 18]]’” |
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140107 | # | graded | 1999.580 |
Graded successfully! |
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138507 | MichaelMosimann | graded | 42479.945 |
Graded successfully! |
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140208 | # | graded | 1678.968 |
Graded successfully! |
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139089 | g_mothy | graded | 51414498.584 |
Graded successfully! |
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139584 | Denis_tsaregorodtsev | graded | 2192.592 |
Graded successfully! |
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139674 | # | graded | 5575.239 |
Graded successfully! |
View |