ID Participant Status z-score rating ΞΌ Οƒ Task Message ▲ Submission
150215 anssi failed 0.000 0.000 - - -

More details about this submission can be found at : http://gitlab.aicrowd.com/anssi/basalt-baseline-submission/issues/1

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150707 bharat_prakash failed 0.000 0.000 - - -

More details about this submission can be found at : http://gitlab.aicrowd.com/bharat_prakash/hcxs_basalt/issues/1

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159248 jun_shern_chan failed 0.000 0.000 - - -

More details about this submission can be found at : http://gitlab.aicrowd.com/chrischongtt/basalt-notyourrl/issues/16

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159253 jun_shern_chan failed 0.000 0.000 - - -

More details about this submission can be found at : http://gitlab.aicrowd.com/chrischongtt/basalt-notyourrl/issues/17

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159488 jun_shern_chan failed 0.000 0.000 - - -

More details about this submission can be found at : http://gitlab.aicrowd.com/chrischongtt/basalt-notyourrl/issues/33

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159155 jun_shern_chan failed 0.000 0.000 - - -

More details about this submission can be found at : http://gitlab.aicrowd.com/chrischongtt/basalt-notyourrl/issues/5

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149002 shivam failed 0.000 0.000 - - -

More details about this submission can be found at : http://gitlab.aicrowd.com/cody_wild8/basalt_baseline_submisisons/issues/6

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152681 daniel_perazzo graded 1.134 22.635 26.600 1.322 -

More details about this submission can be found at : http://gitlab.aicrowd.com/daniel_perazzo/basalt_baselines_template/issues/4

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159346 dan_ogawa_lillrank failed 0.000 0.000 - - -

More details about this submission can be found at : http://gitlab.aicrowd.com/dan_ogawa_lillrank/minerl2021_basalt/issues/1

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159369 dan_ogawa_lillrank failed 0.000 0.000 - - -

More details about this submission can be found at : http://gitlab.aicrowd.com/dan_ogawa_lillrank/minerl2021_basalt/issues/2

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