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NeurIPS 2022 IGLU Challenge

Interactive embodied agents for Human-AI collaboration

$16500 Prize Money
Misc Prizes : Authorship

NeurIPS 2021 - The NetHack Challenge

ASCII-rendered single-player dungeon crawl game

$ 20,000 Prize Money
1 Authorship/Co-Authorship

$20,000 Prize Money
5 Authorship/Co-Authorship
Misc Prizes : Customized certificate and rewards

Flatland 3

Multi-Agent RL for Trains

2 x DJI Mavic Drones, 4 Oculus Quest 2 Prize Money
9 Authorship/Co-Authorship

NeurIPS 2021: MineRL BASALT Competition

Sample Efficient Reinforcement Learning in Minecraft

$12000 Prize Money
3 Authorship/Co-Authorship

NeurIPS 2020: Procgen Competition

Measure sample efficiency and generalization in reinforcement learning using procedurally generated environments

$ 9000 Prize Money
1 Authorship/Co-Authorship
Misc Prizes : $ 34,000 AWS Credits

NeurIPS 2021 AWS DeepRacer AI Driving Olympics Challenge

Self-driving RL on DeepRacer cars - From simulation to real world

$10,000 Prize Money
3 Authorship/Co-Authorship
Misc Prizes : 3 AWS Deepracer Cars

The Neural-MMO Challenge

Robustness and teamwork in a massively multiagent environment

9 Authorship/Co-Authorship


Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning on Trains

Misc Prizes : TBA

NeurIPS 2019: Learn to Move - Walk Around

Reinforcement Learning on Musculoskeletal Models

3 Travel Grants
2 Authorship/Co-Authorship

NeurIPS 2019 : MineRL Competition

Sample-efficient reinforcement learning in Minecraft

10 Travel Grants
Misc Prizes : 1x Titan RTX GPU

Flatland Challenge

Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning on Trains.

30'000 Prize Money
5 Travel Grants
Misc Prizes : To Be Announced