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Arjun Nemani




Hyderabad, IN






Ratings Progression


Challenge Categories


Challenges Entered

A benchmark for image-based food recognition

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

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graded 6444
graded 6439
failed 6435

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Sample-efficient reinforcement learning in Minecraft

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning on Trains.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Recognise Handwritten Digits

Latest submissions

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graded 60272
graded 60262
graded 60256

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

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graded 58619
graded 4106

Project 2: build our own recommender system, and test its performance

Latest submissions

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graded 24501
failed 24500

Help improve humanitarian crisis response through better NLP modeling

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Reincarnation of personal data entities in unstructured data sets

Latest submissions

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graded 24201

Robots that learn to interact with the environment autonomously

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

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graded 16748

A new benchmark for Artificial Intelligence (AI) research in Reinforcement Learning

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

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graded 58622
graded 5969
failed 5968

Latest submissions

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graded 58621
failed 58620
graded 5260

Latest submissions

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graded 17037
failed 16716

Latest submissions

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graded 18841
graded 17035

Predict if users will skip or listen to the music they're streamed

Latest submissions

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graded 5563

Building Missing Maps with Machine Learning

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

PlantVillage is built on the premise that all knowledge that helps people grow food should be openly accessible to anyone on the planet.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Identifying relevant concepts in a large corpus of medical images

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.
Participant Rating
Participant Rating

ImageCLEF 2020 Tuberculosis - CT report

About the ImageCLEF 2020 Tuberculosis - CT report category

Over 4 years ago

(Replace this first paragraph with a brief description of your new category. This guidance will appear in the category selection area, so try to keep it below 200 characters.)

Use the following paragraphs for a longer description, or to establish category guidelines or rules:

  • Why should people use this category? What is it for?

  • How exactly is this different than the other categories we already have?

  • What should topics in this category generally contain?

  • Do we need this category? Can we merge with another category, or subcategory?

Novartis DSAI Challenge

Test Post Please Ignore

Over 4 years ago

Test Post Please Ignore

Over 4 years ago

ICCV 2019: Learning-to-Drive Challenge

Submission stucks

Almost 5 years ago

All submissions have been re-evaluated.

Thanks for letting us know.

Best of luck,
Arjun Nemani

NeurIPS 2019 : Disentanglement Challenge

Leaderboard of Round1 and Private Leader Boards

Almost 5 years ago

I will see what the problem is and get back to you ASAP!
Thanks for notifying!

[Announcement] Leaderboard Computation

Almost 5 years ago

Hey everyone!

Please check the update to the original post in this thread!

More details will be sent to all participants via email.


There is a bug in the leaderboard

Almost 5 years ago

Hey! @jozerozero,

The leaderboard is more stable now! (Lets call it V2)
If you happen find any more issues, please let me know.

Clicking on the view button on the leaderboard will allow you to see your ranks across the scores.

Arjun Nemani

I have submitted many time, but nothing happened

Almost 5 years ago

Looks like you already figured out how to make submissions!


Best of luck! :smiley:

Always same evaluation results

Almost 5 years ago

The leaderboard shows your best submission not the latest one.
You can see the score for each evaluation in your gitlab issues.
Hope this helps!

Let me know if you have any queries.

Best of Luck!

Which dependencies are absolutely necessary?

Almost 5 years ago

You can tag any of the @admins / @moderators on the gitlab issue and we will provide you with the relevant logs to debug!

Best of luck!

NeurIPS 2019: Learn to Move - Walk Around

Reset simulator to specific state (e.g., state previously seen during an episode)

Almost 5 years ago

Nudge @lukasz_kidzinski !

He should be able to answer this.

Best of Luck! :smiley:

SnakeCLEF2021 - Snake Species Identification Chall

Can't find competition rules

Almost 5 years ago

It is live now, you should be able to see the link on the challenge page.


Can't find competition rules

Almost 5 years ago


Thanks for the reminder.

I will work on having a tab that will take you to the rules you agreed to!

You can expect it to be live within a day!


Access Logs for submission

About 5 years ago

Hey @gokuleloop, I will paste the logs for you.
Can you tag me in the relevant issue on Gitlab?

When is round 2 supposed to start?

About 5 years ago

The same dataset will be used for round 2!
We will verify your code in this round by running it on our servers.

Let me know if you have any questions!

When is Round 2 starting?

About 5 years ago

The travel grants and other prizes will be awarded after the end of Round 2.
We will run and verify your code in this round!

Qualification for the end of round1

About 5 years ago

Hey @amapic,

Round 2 is open for all.
In this round we will run and verify your code.

Thanks, and do let me know if you have any other queries!

When is Round 2 starting?

About 5 years ago

Hey @joker!
Round 2 has started and we are eagerly waiting for your submissions! :wink:

Let me know if you face any difficulties!

Unity Obstacle Tower Challenge

Submissions are stuck

About 5 years ago

Hey @leckofunny!

A fix for it is on the way, should be live tomorrow!


ISWC 2019 Column-Type Annotation Challenge

Why I got only 3 entries?

About 5 years ago

Hey @ahmad88me

β€œEntries” refers to the number of submissions you have made to the challenge, it has nothing to do with your ranking!

Best of Luck!

A computer science student and NLP researcher at IIIT Hyderabad.