16 Follower
29 Following
Shivam Khandelwal




Gurgaon, IN






Ratings Progression


Challenge Categories


Challenges Entered

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A benchmark for image-based food recognition

Latest submissions

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failed 177330
graded 177329
graded 177328

Using AI For Building’s Energy Management

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

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failed 196349
failed 196338
graded 195999

What data should you label to get the most value for your money?

Latest submissions

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graded 177046
failed 176542
failed 176404

Interactive embodied agents for Human-AI collaboration

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

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graded 196702

Latest submissions

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graded 191712
graded 191710
graded 191708

Behavioral Representation Learning from Animal Poses.

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graded 179081
graded 173187
graded 173085

Airborne Object Tracking Challenge

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graded 150618
graded 148372
graded 145797

ASCII-rendered single-player dungeon crawl game

Latest submissions

See All
submitted 158196
failed 158192
failed 158191

Latest submissions

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graded 180080
graded 180079

Latest submissions

See All
graded 158774
graded 147099
graded 141760

Improving the HTR output of Greek papyri and Byzantine manuscripts

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graded 188253
graded 188252
graded 188221

Latest submissions

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graded 165005
graded 165004
graded 164936

Machine Learning for detection of early onset of Alzheimers

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

5 Puzzles 21 Days. Can you solve it all?

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Sample Efficient Reinforcement Learning in Minecraft

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graded 150880
failed 149894
failed 149002

Latest submissions

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graded 167201

Measure sample efficiency and generalization in reinforcement learning using procedurally generated environments

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

5 Puzzles 21 Days. Can you solve it all?

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Self-driving RL on DeepRacer cars - From simulation to real world

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Robustness and teamwork in a massively multiagent environment

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

3D Seismic Image Interpretation by Machine Learning

Latest submissions

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graded 82746
graded 82738
graded 82737

5 Puzzles 21 Days. Can you solve it all?

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

See All
graded 149881
submitted 149879
failed 144887

Play in a realistic insurance market, compete for profit!

Latest submissions

See All
graded 113613
graded 110174
graded 110172

5 Puzzles 21 Days. Can you solve it all?

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

5 Puzzles 21 Days. Can you solve it all?

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning on Trains

Latest submissions

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failed 84106
failed 84105
failed 84104

A dataset and open-ended challenge for music recommendation research

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

A benchmark for image-based food recognition

Latest submissions

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graded 59791
failed 59371
failed 31084

Latest submissions

See All
graded 139559
graded 139558
graded 139557

Sample-efficient reinforcement learning in Minecraft

Latest submissions

See All
graded 120070
graded 117123
graded 113473

Latest submissions

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graded 125603
graded 125602
graded 125601

5 Puzzles, 3 Weeks. Can you solve them all? πŸ˜‰

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Multi-agent RL in game environment. Train your Derklings, creatures with a neural network brain, to fight for you!

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Predicting smell of molecular compounds

Latest submissions

See All
failed 114224
failed 114223
failed 114222

Latest submissions

See All
graded 60335
graded 60334

Latest submissions

See All
failed 68839
failed 68599

5 Problems 21 Days. Can you solve it all?

Latest submissions

See All
failed 122822

5 Puzzles 21 Days. Can you solve it all?

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Robots that learn to interact with the environment autonomously

Latest submissions

See All
graded 99115
graded 99114
failed 99109

5 Puzzles, 3 Weeks | Can you solve them all?

Latest submissions

See All
graded 115551
graded 115537
graded 115536


Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Grouping/Sorting players into their respective teams

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

5 Problems 15 Days. Can you solve it all?

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Sample-efficient reinforcement learning in Minecraft

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning on Trains.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Recognise Handwritten Digits

Latest submissions

See All
graded 191700
graded 191699
graded 191698

Online News Prediction

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

5 Problems 15 Days. Can you solve it all?

Latest submissions

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graded 67402
graded 66492

Project 2: Road extraction from satellite images

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Project 2: build our own recommender system, and test its performance

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Project 2: build our own text classifier system, and test its performance.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Help improve humanitarian crisis response through better NLP modeling

Latest submissions

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failed 32245

Reincarnation of personal data entities in unstructured data sets

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Robots that learn to interact with the environment autonomously

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

A new benchmark for Artificial Intelligence (AI) research in Reinforcement Learning

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Predict if users will skip or listen to the music they're streamed

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

PlantVillage is built on the premise that all knowledge that helps people grow food should be openly accessible to anyone on the planet.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Predict Labor Class

Latest submissions

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graded 68597


Latest submissions

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failed 85240

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Real Time Mask Detection

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

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graded 80051

Predict if users will skip or listen to the music they're streamed

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Recognizing bird sounds in monophone soundscapes

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Predict Wine Quality

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Predict if an online advertisement will be clicked or not

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Detect water bodies from satellite Imagery

Latest submissions

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failed 85240

DA Final Project challenges for Monsoon 2020

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

ACL-BioNLP Shared Task

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Identify which side has least players

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Predict viewer reactions from a large-scale video dataset!

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Detect Multi-Animal Behaviors from a large, hand-labeled dataset.

Latest submissions

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failed 125036

Reinforcement Learning, IIT-M, assignment 1

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

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graded 177209

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

See All
failed 149894
failed 149002

Can you dock a spacecraft to ISS ?

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning on Trains

Latest submissions

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graded 152700

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Image-based plant identification at global scale

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Round 1 - Completed

Latest submissions

See All
graded 173085

Localization, SLAM, Place Recognition, Visual Navigation, Loop Closure Detection

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Predict Age From A Picture

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See All
failed 182084

Identify Words from silent video inputs.

Latest submissions

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graded 182202
failed 182087

Round 2 - Active | Claim AWS Credits by beating the baseline

Latest submissions

See All
graded 179081

A Challenge on Continual Learning using Real-World Imagery

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.

Monocular Depth Estimation

Latest submissions

No submissions made in this challenge.
Participant Rating
thomas_cloarec 0
anssi 221
rohitmidha23 265
sanjaypokkali 221
ayush_upadhyay 0
ashivani 158
leocd 0
deepesh_grover 0
jyotish 0
vrv 0
singstad90 0
amitabh 0
jerome_patel 0
cadabullos 0
krishna_kaushik 0
Victim 0
Participant Rating
anssi 221
MasterScrat 229
user18081971 0
nikhil_rayaprolu 190
sauravkar 0
pulkit_gera 0
akshatcx -39
akhilesh 0
piotrekpasciak 0
yoogottamk 245
hagrid67 103
shraddhaa_mohan 272
aditya_morolia 0
sanjaypokkali 221
nickinack 0
rohitmidha23 265
shubham_sharma 0
kartik.gupta0204 0
shubhankar.sb 0
vrv 0
ashivani 158
leocd 0
michael_bordeleau 0
dmytro_poplavskiy 0
michael_schmuker 0
jyotish 0

ESCI Challenge for Improving Product Search

πŸš€ Code Submission Round Launched πŸš€

About 2 years ago

Hi @dami,

We have re-run these submissions along with the fix for your issue.
It should pass automatically or will show relevant logs in case of failure now on.

No debug logs was given in my fail submission

About 2 years ago

Hi @dami, I have shared the error and potential solution in your GitLab issue page given it includes information about your approach.

Let us know in case it helps. :raised_hands:
You can reply back on the comment here or on the GitLab issue page.

πŸš€ Code Submission Round Launched πŸš€

About 2 years ago

Hi @wac81, the leaderboard contains the best submission from each participants (not all the submissions). I assume that may have caused the confusion.

You can see all your submission here (they are merged for all the tasks in this challenge, but you can identify them using relevant repository name):


πŸš€ Code Submission Round Launched πŸš€

About 2 years ago

Hi @vitor_amancio_jerony, thanks for the logs.

We have identified the bug during the evaluation phase which caused the models to load twice, and is now fixed.
We have also restarted your latest submission and monitoring if any similar error happens to it.

πŸš€ Code Submission Round Launched πŸš€

About 2 years ago

Hi all, in case you feel your submission is running quite slow online v/s your local setup.
It might be a good idea to verify torch or relevant packages are installed properly.

Here is an example for torch:

In case you are confused how to verify for your package, please let us know and we can release relevant FAQs.

πŸš€ Code Submission Round Launched πŸš€

About 2 years ago

Hi @wac81, it has failed due to timeout.

πŸš€ Code Submission Round Launched πŸš€

About 2 years ago

Hi @LYZD-fintech,

All the successful submissions would be considered for the final ranking in this challenge.


πŸš€ Code Submission Round Launched πŸš€

About 2 years ago

Hi @LYZD-fintech,

Each submission has dedicated compute resources.

The time elapsed, that is reported on the issue page is currently wrong and will be fixed soon, it shows the total time from the submission to completion (instead of start of execution of your code to the end). The timeout however is properly implemented and only considers the running time.

We provision a new machine dynamically for each submission, due to which the time elapsed might have been higher when there are a high number of submissions in the evaluation queue (multiple machines got provisioned)

I hope that clears any confusion.


πŸš€ Code Submission Round Launched πŸš€

About 2 years ago

Hi @wac81, your submissions have been evaluated.

πŸš€ Code Submission Round Launched πŸš€

About 2 years ago

Hi @vitor_amancio_jerony @qinpersevere & all,

The image building code has been updated on our side, and the repository size is no longer a restriction.

Please keep in mind that the resources available for inference are same for everyone i.e. Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB.

πŸš€ Code Submission Round Launched πŸš€

About 2 years ago

Hi @zhichao_feng, your submissions have failed due to 90 minutes timeout for each public & private phase runs. (it got 92% in 90m)

πŸš€ Code Submission Round Launched πŸš€

About 2 years ago

Hi @wac81,

The issue is resolved and I noticed you were able to make the submission just now.
Please let us know in case you face any other issue.

πŸš€ Code Submission Round Launched πŸš€

About 2 years ago

Hi @animath3099, the issue has been resolved. You can try to make a submission now.

Note: Please remove debug: true from your aicrowd.json, due to which no slots remaining error is coming.

πŸš€ Code Submission Round Launched πŸš€

About 2 years ago

Hi @animath3099, can you share the link to the issue page? We are looking into it.

πŸš€ Datasets Released & Submissions Open πŸš€

About 2 years ago

Hi @olivertautz, that’s not the case, and any team member can submit in the challenge (not only the team member).

Can you please help by sharing relevant URL (Issue page, submission ID, etc) and/or a screenshot?

Fatal: pack exceeds maximum allowed size

About 2 years ago

Hi @pn1,

Please use git-lfs to upload larger files in your repository.

The relevant commands are available in starter kit, or you can refer this for example.

πŸš€ Code Submission Round Launched πŸš€

About 2 years ago

Hi @vitor_amancio_jerony,

Can you check if weights can be pruned in your approach?

We are checking internally to increase the allowed submission/model size meanwhile, and will update you soon.

πŸš€ Code Submission Round Launched πŸš€

About 2 years ago

Hi @qinpersevere,

We don’t want you to be restricted because of the submission limit.

Due to this, the submissions can have a maximum size of 10GB [to prevent abuse].
Along with it, the limit is only applied on the files present in your current tag (HEAD i.e. part of the submission). You only need to remove any unwanted [or old] models from your HEAD, without worrying about deleting them from git history, etc.

In case your usecase require more than 10GB, please let us know.


cc: @xuange_cui, @TransiEnt, @ystkin, @masatoh

Frequently Asked Questions

How to install pytorch in your submissions? Can my pytorch use GPU?

About 2 years ago

Potential Issue:

In case the challenge you are participating has GPUs available during evaluation, and your submission is running slower than when you run it locally. One of the potential reason can be wrong torch version installed.

Why is this a common occurrence?

It is undoubtedly one of the most popular frameworks for the deep learning users, BUT there is a special caveat.
The PyPI releases for the PyTorch do not have GPU releases, and due to that it is easy to just add torch in your requirements.txt and end up using the CPU version of pytorch.

How to identify if you are using correct torch version?

In the build logs provided to you, please check the package downloaded.
For example below is a CPU version as it is missing cuXXX prefix:

Collecting torch
    Downloading torch-1.12.0-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl

The GPU version examples:





>>> import torch
# you can add this in your code & print in the logs of your code as well to verify that everything works
>>> torch.cuda.is_available() 


I am using requirements.txt. What should I do?

You can add extra-index-url before mentioning torch or at the top of your requirements.txt.

In case you want to point to a specific CUDA version and PyTorch version, the example is as follows (you can open the link to know if your pytorch version support your cuda version):

--extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu111

I am using environment.yml. What should I do?

The installation is a bit easier with Conda, and the sample file looks as follows. (note: you can mention python version of your choice, etc as well)

name: myenv
  - conda-forge
  - defaults
  - pytorch
  - python=3.8
  - cudatoolkit=10.2   # cuda version
  - pytorch=1.11       # torch version
  - torchvision
  - torchaudio
  - pip:
      - pandas
      - <....other pip dependencies goes here....>

shivam has not provided any information yet.


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